Carolina Soto, RD

MSc Student

Carolina is a Registered Dietitian and MSc Epidemiology student at the University of Ottawa. Her research project aims to examine gendered differences in child and youth exposure to unhealthy food marketing in digital media. Her previous involvement in various research teams has allowed her to explore different research topics including the relationship between dietary patterns and mental disorders, breastfeeding and infant feeding practices in Quebec and Canada as well as physicians’ knowledge and attitude regarding perinatal folic acid supplementation. Outside of the research lab, Carolina also works in the department of clinical nutrition at the Ottawa Hospital. Her prior work experiences also include an internship with the Correctional Service Canada during which she had the role of developing educational resources that regional dietitians could use for nutritional education of inmates; and a placement in community nutrition that focused on identifying and addressing potential barriers leading to undesirable food choices in the adolescent community of the Avenue des jeunes youth center.