Elise Pauzé, RD, MSc

PhD Candidate

Elise is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. She is currently a PhD Student in Population Health at the University of Ottawa. She has done research on food and beverage marketing to children in Canada in various media (digital, television) and settings (schools, recreational sports, community events) for more than 8 years. Her doctoral research is funded by CIHR and is focused on food company sponsorship of children’s sports. Elise is also conducting research on other sports-related food advertising, food advertising expenditures, the food industry’s promotion of corporate social responsibility initiatives, and on social disparities in food advertising exposure in multiple policy environments.

Previously, Elise has done research on the determinants of food access and diet quality of rural households in Haiti and has worked for a community-based research project examining the impact of immigration on the dietary behaviours and nutritional status of immigrant children living in Ottawa. Outside of the research lab, Elise is currently doing research on food insecurity among students at the University of Ottawa and other Canadian post-secondary institutions.